
If you would like to learn more about our Club, click on the button below to download an "Expression of Interest" Form.


Who Are We?

The Probus Club of Ocean Grove Surfside Inc. is a retired persons club catering predominantly for retired professional and business people. As a mixed gender club, we attempt to maintain an equal balance of gender among our members.

Our primary aim is to provide social and intellectual stimulation for retired and semi-retired members of the community.

The Club provides an opportunity for members to establish and continue friendships and participate in a variety of Club activities. Activities include golf, walks, music, films, trips and tours, and monthly dine-outs. Lunch outings are arranged after each meeting.

Our Club is simple in structure and free of the constraints and obligations of Service Clubs.

Visitors and new members will be warmly welcomed.

Our invitation to you

 If you have retired or semi retired and are thinking of joining a new social activity, why not contact us for further information? You are most welcome to be our guest at one of our meetings and join us for lunch afterwards. 

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