
Interest Groups

As can be expected the members of the Ocean Grove Surfside Probus Club come from diverse backgrounds and have varying interests. As a result of this cosmopolitan input, a number of special interest groups which cater for a wide range of activities and interests have evolved.

The formation of interest groups is ongoing and Members are encouraged to indicate their special interests to any group at any time. It is by this public forum that groups with common interests are able to get together and form the basis of a "Special Interest Group".

Armchair Travel

Annie Potter - Telephone 5255 2418

Members talk about their travels throughout Australia and the world. All welcome.

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Lynne Pearce - Mobile 0417 517 825

The club conducts a weekly Friday night BBQ during the summer months. These are popular, informal get-togethers enjoyed by many members.

The summer BBQs are conducted during the daylight saving months (October to March). People gather at around 5.45pm - 6.00pm every Friday. We hold the BBQs at various member's homes during the "tourist season" and, once the season is over, we enjoy the two free electric BBQs and undercover seating available at the Rotunda Surfbeach Road picnic area.

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Bike Riding Group

Brigitte Brickwood - Mobile 0400 220 124

Non strenuous bike riding for companionship and fun.

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Caravan / Cabin Club

Evelyn Fyffe - Mobile 0412 015 770

Autumn and Spring see this group gather together to visit various parts of Victoria, sometimes we even cross the border. Take your own caravan or stay in an on-site cabin at the selected caravan park. The usual stay is five nights, however, this is flexible so as to meet members' own needs. A number of group activities are organized such as meals out and trips to local attractions. Happy hour and evenings in the camp kitchen enjoying each other’s company is a very important part of this group.

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Coffee Club

Penny Dickenson - Telephone 0402 105 652
Isobel Bell - Telephone 0404 007 793

Twice monthly the coffee club meets at a local café. The ideal opportunity to get to know fellow members. Details of where and when will be in the monthly Newsletter. Come along and enjoy a chat and a coffee.

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Penny Dickenson - Mobile 0402 105 652

The Dine-Out Group meets once a month at various restaurants around the Geelong/Bellarine region. A wide range of tastes and food styles are catered for. The dining experiences range from casual bistro type meals to formal white table experiences.

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Environmental Interest Group

Rhonda Boyd - Mobile 0428 933 673   
Monica Davis - Mobile 0439 883 158

Offers members with common interests in all environmental issues facing our community today, a forum for discussion with like-minded people and outings to places of interest.

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Happy Hour

Lynne Pearce - Mobile 0417 517 825

All members are invited to our monthly “Happy Hour”. These casual get togethers take place at a Member’s home. The perfect setting for a catch up or to make new friends. Relevant details will be in the monthly Newsletter.

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Men's Breakfast Group

Gordon Field - Mobile 0420 555 167

A chance for a bit of "Male Bonding". The Breakfast Group meets monthly at 9.00am at various cafes around the Bellarine. A hearty breakfast, copious tea and or coffee helps our male members face up to another hard day of retirement.

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Outings & Tours 

Glenda Peck - Telephone 0417 799 744

Ocean Grove Surfside Probus organises outings and tours for members. Historically tours have included a trip on the Ghan Railway from Adelaide to Alice Springs, cruises down the Rhine/Danube and down the Murray River on P.S. Proud Mary. In more recent years personalised guided tours of the Geelong Library and Heritage Centre, Geelong Football Club premises, various Botanic Gardens/Historic Houses, Her Majesty's Theatre and a night at the Geelong Harness Racing were among regular outings that were enjoyably attended. We also liaise with other Probus Groups to ensure that we have a full range of experiences available for our members. 

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Plug a Book

Liz Watson - Mobile 0401 169 000

Plug-a-book offers our book lovers the opportunity to write a review about a book they have read and which they feel may be of interest to others in the Club. The review will be printed in our monthly Newsletter. Books are available for members to borrow at our monthly meeting.

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Theo Grummisch - Mobile 0434 334 055

The Theatre Group enjoys attending live theatre at local venues.

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Lynne Prewer - Mobile 0408 122 927

The Walking Group meets every Wednesday at 9am in Barwon Heads, Ocean Grove, Pt Lonsdale & Queenscliff, otherwise 9.30am, if we are going further afield. We meet at the location of the walk. The walks vary in length to cater for all abilities. Members enjoy a social cup of coffee afterwards. If anyone needs assistance in getting to these venues, please ring Lynne or, if unavailable, Ruth Milner 0448 562 791.

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